Ine Francisconi: “Developing Power Skills is key to unlocking your success as a leader”

What makes magnetic, influential leaders capable of enriching and adding value to their own lives and organizations? The key is in the development of “power skills”; those socio-emotional skills that, when internalized and expanded, strengthen inner power, coherence and confidence to make intelligent decisions, generating well-being and growth.

The 9 key skills to become a high-value leader are:

1. Talent, Purpose and Vision: Connecting talent to a meaningful purpose and a clear vision will ignite the spark of passion and perseverance to achieve success, beyond obstacles.

2. Adaptability, Change and Resilience: Adapting to changes and overcoming adversity is crucial in a world in full transformation. Every leader must be a stable beacon, a source of confidence and inspiration during storms.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing one’s own emotions as well as those of the team is the basis for making conscious (non-reactive) decisions and for building solid relationships and collaborative environments, oriented toward well-being (and not stress-generating).

4. Creative Thinking and Innovation: Creativity and innovation are the engines of growth and progress; Therefore, leadership aimed at encouraging original solutions, challenging the status quofavoring spaces for joint creation, opens new possibilities that enhance expansion.

5. Time and Energy Management: Time is a scarce resource, therefore, its efficient management directs energy towards what is essential and important. Cultivating healthy habits and maintaining self-discipline will make a difference and a good example to follow.

6. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication: Effective communication is the backbone for high-impact leadership. Being aware of the power of words and mastering the art of non-verbal language will enhance the message and influence.

7. Collaboration and Teamwork: As a leader, your success depends, in large part, on your team’s ability to work together efficiently. Therefore, encouraging collaboration, listening, empathy, valuing each person’s contribution, promotes synergy to reach new horizons.

8. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: The ability to manage disagreements and conflicts constructively is a fundamental leader’s ability to preserve harmony and drive innovation and joint growth.

9. Personal Mastery and Magnetic Power: self-knowledge and self-regulation lead to self-mastery. Authenticity and consistency generate trust, respect and moral authority to guide and inspire others. The magnetism of every leader comes from within.

These 9 “Power Skills” are the essence of new leadership. To guide others, it is necessary to first walk the path. Therefore, it is your great responsibility to activate your inner power to become a beacon of inspiration, transformation and growth. If you want to take your leadership to the next level, I am here to accompany you on the journey. It’s your decision, it’s your calling!

Ine Francisconi

Leadership Coach

& Talent Development

Instagram/LinkedIn: @inefrancisconi

WhatsApp: +54 9 11 6821 2020

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