Industry standards for wind turbines finally approved

Industry standards for wind turbines finally approved

On 25 June 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a judgment in a wind turbine case in which it ruled that the Flemish regulatory framework regarding wind turbines is in conflict with the European EIA Directive. The 2011 Flemish regulatory framework was not subject to an environmental impact assessment, which jeopardized the legal certainty of wind energy permits.

“Stable sector standards”

As an interim solution, Minister Demir worked out an emergency decree whereby wind turbines remained licensable for the time being. At the same time, the N-VA minister started an environmental impact report with public research throughout Flanders in order to establish new sectoral standards. This procedure has now been completed so that there are again sectoral standards with a legally certain basis. “For further investments in renewable energy, it is important that we reintroduce stable sector standards and rectify the broken system of the past,” says Demir.
