Indurain meets the Pirate’s mother at the Pantani house

Between amarcord and emotion: they were the last to make the Giro-Tour combination. The Nove Colli will run tomorrow

From our correspondent Francesco Ceniti


The weather leaves no hope: 2.30 pm Cesenatico, 100% rain forecast. But no. When Miguel Indurain cuts through the air in his red t-shirt, going as fast as in a time trial, even the clouds change their plans. They don’t want to ruin a particular afternoon. Indurain visiting the Marco Pantani space, the museum dedicated to the Pirate which attracts enthusiasts from all over the world. And this weekend there are many visitors, the Porto Canale is full of bikes and cyclists. Tomorrow there is the Nove Colli, the oldest Gran Fondo. It runs in September and not in May: postponement caused by other clouds, much nastier and capable of a flood never seen before. But Nove Colli relaunches its magic thanks to some (former) champions. Yes, including Miguel Indurain who met mother Tonina and pope Paolo at the Pantani museum. Amarcord, they say in these parts. Bittersweet Amarcord: smiles and shining eyes. “Miguel, you’re in great shape… You haven’t changed”, Tonina welcomes him. Indurain laughs, then points to the white hair. “I didn’t have these, though.” Tonina: “How nice to have you here.” Miguel looks around: “Truly incredible… You can breathe the magic of those years.” Tonina nods, but comments: “True, but the museum is also pain. I would have preferred to have my son here with you…”. Indurain hugs her, then continues to review the shirts, bikes and trophies that he knows well.
