Indonesian politie unveils bende the 122 poor mensen overhaalde om nieren te verkopen | Buitenland

Indonesia has been hard pressed to respond to the allegations against illegal trade in public bodies. Twaalf suspected that another agent in a double was arrested in an operation. The crime ring will be closed by 122 eligible individuals, which will be considered in the future for the financial noodhulp.

The slachtoffers are brought from Indonesië naar een ziekenhuis in Cambodja om de ingreep te ondergaan. You will be advised via social media and overtuigd from the travel made. Velen van hen were already lost the days of the current day of the corona pandemic and are being brought to Verleiding. “Ze standden in met de verkoop van hun organen omdat ze het geld nodig hadden”, says de politiecommissaris. The slaughterhouses have now been taken into account, but the reason for this is that the medical toezicht is reduced by force.

8000 euros per piece

The bendeleden were drunk in 2019 until the end of the illegal trade and earned around 1.5 million euros. Op an illegal market was a lot of negotiation for the amount of euros that was sold, but only 8000 euros were sold.

The suspects have been charged for mensensmokkel and there is a possibility of maximum vijftien jaar gevangenisstraf. Onder hen bevindt zich an agent zijn own collega’s mishapde om de bende buiten het not van de autoriteiten te houden. Also a double heft for medeptligheid aan the fatale rice may be made.

Wettelijk soiled

The Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie issued de handel in organs in 1987 illegal declaration and Sindsdien hebben Veel Landen het op national level wettelijk verboden. Because of this, there will be no damage from het verleden Voortduren. In 2008 there were still 5 percent of all organ transplants illegally carried out, as reported by the WHO.

LEES OOK. Twee gewelddadige mensenhandelaars veroordeeld tot 4 jaar cel: “Werknemers are mishandled in nauwelijks betaald”
