Individual entrepreneurs with disabilities will be able to obtain the status of a social enterprise – RBK

Society ,


Izvestia: individual entrepreneurs with disabilities will receive the status of social enterprises

This will allow individual entrepreneurs with disabilities to receive grants for business development and soft loans. Now companies with hired workers can apply for the status of a social enterprise

Photo: Nikolay Gyngazov / Global Look

Individual entrepreneurs with disabilities and without employees will receive the status of a social enterprise. About this “Izvestia” reported at the Ministry of Economic Development.

Now small and medium-sized companies can apply for the status of a social enterprise, at least half of whose employees belong to socially vulnerable categories of citizens, while the cost of paying their labor should be at least 25%. The benefits of the provisions of the law do not apply to individual entrepreneurs without hired workers.

According to the newspaper, this problem was pointed out by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at the commission on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in early December. He instructed the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance to submit to the government a normative act that will change this situation. The Ministry of Economic Development has developed such a bill.

Putin announced new measures to support small and medium-sized businesses

Vladimir Putin

As a result, measures to support social enterprises will become available to individual entrepreneurs with disabilities. They will be able to apply to innovation centers in the social sphere, receive microloans at a preferential rate, as well as grants for starting and developing their own business in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. The prerequisites for obtaining loans and grants are the same amount of co-financing from the enterprise itself and training at the My Business center.


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