Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, tonight in prime time: trivia about the film

An explosive blend of adventure, action and comedy that offers the audience an evergreen, engaging and passionate story

Giacomo Martiradonna

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is the third chapter of the timeless saga of the famous archaeologist played by Harrison Ford. A seamless journey between United States, Europe and the Middle East, with daring adventures in constant balance between action, irony and mysticism. Directed by Steven Spielberg and the participation of Sean Connery as Jones’ father, the film airs tonight in prime time on Italia 1 at 21.20. Here is the plot and trivia about the film.


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is the third chapter of the film saga dedicated to the archaeologist Indiana Jones, after Raiders of the Lost Ark And Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The plot of the film is set in the 1930s and sees Indiana Jones engaged in a race against time to find the Holy grail before it falls into the hands of the Nazis, who intend to use it for world domination. In his adventure, Indiana Jones is joined by his father, the Professor Henry Jones, played by actor Sean Connery. Together, father and son unite to solve the mystery of the Grail, crossing Europe between dangers and pitfalls. The quest for the Grail will take them to several places, including Venicewhere they will meet the mysterious and charming doctor Elsa Schneider. However, Elsa is not what she seems and the Grail will be used in a completely unexpected way.


The opening scene, in which we see young Indy played by River Phoenixwas conceived by George Lucas as a possible spin-off about the character’s origins. Lucas wanted to show how Indy acquired his phobia of snakes, the scar on his chin and the fedora hat. Sean Connery played the role of Henry Jones, father of Indiana Jones, despite having at the time only 12 years older by Harrison Ford. Connery agreed to play Indy’s father because he was a saga fans and why he liked the idea of ​​parodying his role as James Bond. In fact, there are several references to the British spy in the film, such as when Indy uses an umbrella to chase away seagulls and crash an enemy plane. The character of Elsa Schneider, played by the actress Alison Doody, was originally conceived as a Nazi spy. However, director Steven Spielberg decided to change his personality in a woman who acts on her own, without being linked to the Nazis. The scenes set in Venice were shoot in San Francisco, using the North Beach neighborhood as a set. The production has rebuilt a part of the Grand Canal and Piazza San Marco, using special effects to increase the realistic effect. The rest of the film was shot in various locations, including the Jordanthe Spain, Italy they USA. The final scene, in which Indy and his companions enter the cave where the Grail is, was filmed in Petrain the monument carved into the rock by the Nabateans in the 1st century BC The archaeological site of Petra became so famous thanks to the film that it was included among the seven wonders of the world modern in 2007. The famous scene in which Indiana Jones crosses a suspended bridge it was actually filmed on a bridge built specifically for the film. This bridge was long about 30 meters and was swung to create the effect of danger. The film also contains some mistakes And historical inconsistencies, like when Indy says the Grail was hidden by the Knights Templar in 1000 AD; this is not possible because in reality the order of the Templars was born in 1118 AD Or when you see a american flag with 50 starswhile in 1938 (the year the film is set) there were only 48.
