Indian boy is bitten by poisonous cobra but saves himself by biting back | Abroad

In Pandarpadh, a remote village in the Indian region of Chhattisgarh, Deepak’s survival instinct saved his life. The boy was playing in the backyard of his house when the poisonous snake suddenly wrapped itself around his hand. Soon Deepak felt the animal’s sharp teeth sink into his skin.

Deepak started shaking his arm to free the cobra. However, the animal continued to cling and so the boy followed his survival instinct. He bit back “twice hard,” the New Indian Express reported. “It all happened in a flash,” Deepak says.

Afterwards, Deepak was quickly given antivenom, but luckily the boy only suffered from a ‘dry snake bite’. The cobra hadn’t released any venom from the snakebite. The animal is believed to have died after Deepak’s two bites.

Also watch: Man in critical condition after cobra bite
