INDEX FLASH: Recovery on US stock exchanges also fuels Dax and EuroStoxx

FRANKFURT / PARIS (dpa-AFX) – The Dax (DAX 40) increased its price gains on Friday afternoon. A broad-based recovery on the New York stock exchanges caused prices to rise further. Investors are betting that the US Federal Reserve will refrain from an even larger rate hike than 0.50 percentage points in the near future, it said from the trade.

With an increase of almost two percent, the Dax recaptured the round mark of 14,000 points, above which it was last noted on Thursday of last week. For the first time since the beginning of April, there are signs of a positive weekly result for the most important German stock market barometer. The Eurozone leading index EuroStoxx 50 (EURO STOXX 50) behaved similarly to the Dax on Friday, it recently gained 2.3 percent to 3696 points./ajx/he
