indebuurt is giving away free tickets to the zoo

The long weekends and May holidays are coming up again! How nice is it to spend a day at the zoo? It’s even more fun when you can get in there for free. Read on to find out how you can win free tickets to a zoo of your choice.

Will it be the Beekse Bergen, Ouwehands Zoo or will you choose another zoo? You can decide for yourself where and when you go to a zoo in the Netherlands. Now think about who you are taking with you.

This is how you can win

In total, four times two vouchers will be raffled nearby that you can spend at a zoo of your choice. Make a chance? Sign up below for the Zoetermeer newsletter. You will then automatically participate in the giveaway and will be kept informed of the latest news and inspiring stories from Zoetermeer. Already subscribed to the newsletter? Don’t worry, you can still participate in the promotion. You will of course not receive duplicate newsletters. You can participate until April 20.

I want to win!

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