Incredible from Gibraltar: Pub team in the Conference League preliminaries

The incredible story of a group of friends

From a simple pub to the Conference League. The incredible story of the Bruno’s Magpiesa team of friends in Gibraltar, who will face the Northern Irish Crusaders Football Club in the preliminaries of Conference League. The story of some friends who, between one beer and another, decide to found a small football team to have fun and spend time together. Last season they finished sixth in their league, but by virtue of the final they reached in the League Cup, they classified for the playoffs. In the post season they reached the semifinals and, precisely this placement, allowed them to have a pass for the first preliminary round of the Conference League. The winner will challenge the next round Basel.

The team president, Jansen Dalliexpressed a lot of emotion for the goal achieved: “I am extremely proud of our club, it is a unique satisfaction after all these years to achieve such a goal. We have a great opportunity to make ourselves known in Europe and further grow our project. the hard work has paid off. “
