“Increase the front of the more gradual transition”

Meeting at Mise between five ministers and the employees of the Italian automotive supply chain. Next week the Fit for 55 package will be discussed at the EU Council

Alessandro Conti


June 23

– Milan

The Italy of the automobile is preparing to face the European Council on 28 June with a meeting between five ministers and representatives of the national four-wheeler sector. The package is being discussed in Brussels next week Fit for 55, already voted in the European Parliament, which foresees a 55% drop in CO2 emissions from the 1990 level by 2030. And which sets a freeze on sales of cars with thermal engines by 2035. A decisive step that should affect a speed very different to the technological transition that the sector is already facing. For this reason, Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, Deputy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of Economy Daniele Franco, Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani, Labor Andrea Orlando and Infrastructure Enrico Giovannini met with Stellantis, the Italian producers at the Ministry of Economic Development. of vehicles and components with the related trade associations, trade unions, associations of the car market, services and infrastructures. “The meeting served to listen and receive the proposals of the table in order to contribute to the definition of the position of the Italian government at the meeting of the EU Environment Council on 28 June”, Pichetto specified.


The supply chain, announces an Anfia press release, has called for a mitigation of the CO2 emission reduction targets for cars and light commercial vehicles by 2035 by the member states. Secondly, the enhancement of the resources of the 8.7 billion euro automotive fund, valid until 2030, accelerating the definition of the tools to support industrial reconversion and the dimensional growth of companies and making some changes to the incentives already in force for the categories of vehicles for which demand is struggling to take off.

funds and times

With different nuances came the replicas of the ministers. “It is a delicate moment. Not everyone has asked to postpone the transition, mixed requests have emerged: there are those who are more on electric than on a certain type of fuel. It is a very varied landscape,” said Cingolani. As for possible legislative initiatives, the owner of the ecological transition explained that “at the moment we are in a phase of European negotiations, we will talk about it on Monday and Tuesday and see”. For the landlord Giorgetti “at European level the front of the countries that are asking for a more gradual transition to the green is expanding (see the sortie of the German minister Lindner, ed). Also in other countries, such as Germany, political forces are discussing the issue in a pragmatic way, listening to the demands and needs of the industrial sector as well “. The Minister for Economic Development then underlined the need to” put in place interesting tools that accompany the supply chain in the transition process “. Pichetto Fratin spoke of the commitment to favor” balanced choices and compatible with the interests of the second European manufacturing country “in Europe. On the use of the automotive fund, the Deputy Minister said that” as Mise we are committed to building an industrial policy project to be delivered to the next legislature through a mosaic of business support measures “.


The employment alarm linked to the technological transition has been raised for some time. In Italy alone, the estimate is 73,000 jobs at risk for direct employees, even if 1.2 million people whose income is linked to the use of cars. For the Minister of Labor Orlando “the issue of building European tools for the management of the transition, both on the industrial policy and on the employment front and on the social aspect, I believe should be the central one, perhaps more than that which focuses on times “. However, he was skeptical about a possible derogation on the date to stop the sale of petrol and diesel cars: “We can ask for more resources to keep the timetable but it seems very difficult to overturn it. The transition benefits the whole European Union but the costs are different according to the production structure of the countries. We must work to ensure that these costs are distributed adequately “.

control room

Fim Cils and Ugl asked for the establishment of a control room to accompany the transition. “The willingness illustrated by the government to equip itself with a legislative instrument to simplify procedures and allow ease of use of the funds allocated is good – said Ferdinando Uliano and Giorgio Graziani – but like Fim and Cisl we believe that the 7 billion of resources cannot be available from 2025 “. The judgment on the Fiom Cgil meeting was different. For Simone Marinelli, the meeting “did not bring any news to the sector, a missed opportunity given the presence of all the competent ministers involved in the technological and environmental transition. The debate and comparison cannot and must not focus on the possibility of modifying the European Directive but rather how the EU supports male and female workers and businesses in a path of great transformation “.
