Increase in excise duty on alcohol is a death blow for liquor store in border region | Statement of the day

The excise duty on alcohol will increase by 16 percent as of January 1. This makes shopping with our eastern neighbors even cheaper. Does this mean the death knell for the liquor store in East Groningen and East Drenthe?

Slijter Aeilke Muthert from Musselkanaal fears so. The owner of the 105-year-old purveyor Frans Muthert also warns that the entire middle class and catering industry in the border region will suffer.

“Tobacco and petrol are also cheaper in Germany. People immediately go for something to eat and drink. You often see that they also bring bread and meat. So it also has consequences for the local baker and butchers here.”

Do you share Muthert’s concerns? Or do you just keep visiting the liquor store around the corner? Let us know and participate in the Statement of the Day.
