Incomprehensible! Putin propagandist compares Scholz to Hitler

By Soren Haberlandt

Once again the Kremlin agitation against Germany is escalating on Russian TV!

Unbelievable: Top propagandist Vladimir Solovyov (58) has in his propaganda program Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) compared to mass murderer Adolf Hitler. “He just wants to be like his idol,” trumpeted the TV liar. Scholz was “completely crazy”, he almost shouted into the TV cameras. Breathtaking tasteless agitation against our Chancellor.

Solovyov constantly switched between Russian and strongly stereotypical Nazi German during his crazy performance. With a rolling “R” and almost screaming, he imitated Hitler. “Yes yes yes”, “German tanks”, “Mr. Scholz”, “Panzer yes, very good”, he said.

Background: On Thursday, Scholz attended the training program for Ukrainian soldiers on the Gepard anti-aircraft gun tank in Putlos (Schleswig-Holstein) and also climbed onto a Gepard anti-aircraft tank. Germany wants to deliver a total of 30 of these to Ukraine.

Solovyov exploited the images, placed them next to each other, placed them in a direct context. Left: Adolf Hitler, right: Olaf Scholz. The unbelievable allegation: Scholz climbed onto the tank to imitate Hitler, to celebrate his alleged “role model”. Totally grotesque and ridiculous claims.

But day-to-day business for the Kremlin liar – state propaganda has been delivering insane agitation for weeks and months. And so Solovyov trumpeted happily on Thursday evening at prime time: “That’s what he did.” Scholz climbed onto the tank “to be like his mustachioed idol”.

With every second, the Kremlin propagandist escalated further: “There is a Nazi scumbag who got away.” And further: “Scholz courts Banderites (Russian propaganda term for Ukrainian fighters, ed.) in Germany, but he also climbs tanks. He completely followed his idol. He just wants to be like him. Just put on a little hat and grow a mustache.”

And then came the unsurprising climax: at prime time, the Kremlin liar threatened Germany again with an attack. “I have a question for us: if we know that there, on German soil, Nazis are training Banderites to use German military equipment, why should we wait for them to show up on the front lines?”

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The unsurprising conclusion: “Why shouldn’t we consider them a legitimate target?” In other words: rocket hits on German soil. “Why shouldn’t we attack the terrorists of the Ukrainian Empire there if they are training in Germany?” Brazen propaganda.

And addressed to Germany, he ended with the words: “I’m curious: Do the Germans now consider Ukraine to be the Reich Commissariat East?”

The simple and incredible black and white Russian propaganda world behind it: Because the Soviet Union defeated the Nazis, the Russians are and always will be the good anti-Nazis. because Russia now that Ukraine has been invaded, the Ukrainians must necessarily be evil Nazis, according to the distorted view. According to this absurd logic, a state that in turn supports Ukraine is also a Nazi country.
