Income tax return period is progressing well, help remains available | news item

News item | 11-04-2022 | 14:44

The filing period is progressing well. Six weeks after the start of the campaign, more than 6.6 million income tax returns have been received. That is more than two thirds of the total number of returns that the Tax and Customs Administration expects to receive before 1 May.

State Secretary Van Rij of Fiscality and the Tax and Customs Administration: “I am pleased that the tax return period is going well and that so many people have already filed their tax return. The Tax and Customs Administration is working hard to make the tax return as simple as possible for everyone and also understands that some find it difficult. I would therefore like to emphasize that anyone who needs help from others in completing their tax return can contact the Tax Authorities and various social organizations such as libraries, tax shops and trade unions and senior citizens’ unions. A little extra help is never far away.”

Helped thousands of people with declarations

For people who need this, the Tax and Customs Administration offers help with filing a tax return. Employees of the Tax and Customs Administration have now helped approximately 25,765 people with completing their tax returns. Of these, more than 16,886 people were helped by telephone, more than 8,355 people made an appointment for a counter appointment at a tax office and 524 people were helped via video calling. It is expected that the Tax and Customs Administration will offer approximately 35,000 people assistance during the tax return period this year.

In March, employees of the Tax Information Line helped a total of more than 812,000 people with questions about tax returns.

Changes in personal situation

The tax return period runs from March 1 to May 1. Approximately 6.8 million private individuals and 1.5 million entrepreneurs have recently received an invitation to file a tax return for 2021.

More and more data is pre-filled. The Tax and Customs Administration advises everyone to check the tax return carefully and to supplement it where necessary, especially if something has changed in the personal situation. Examples of this are a divorce, stopping a company or transferring a mortgage. It is important to properly check and supplement such data. This and other important information about completing the 2021 return can be found at
