Inclusion allowance from 1 January 2024: what changes

L‘goodbye to Basic income starting from January 2024 it is official: the Government has approved the provision that will replace it with new measures to combat poverty, among which the main one will be the so-called Inclusion check.

What is the Inclusion Allowance

L’Inclusion check (ADI) serves to combat poverty and fragility of the weakest groups by activating paths of social inclusion, as well as training, employment and active employment policy.

There new economic support measure which will start from 1 January 2024, it has a maximum value of 500 euros per month to which you can add 280 euros per month for those who live in rent.

Like the other measures, it will be managed by the new one Information system for social and work inclusion – SIISLwith the help of INPS.

Goodbye to Citizenship Income comes the Inclusion Check. (Getty Images)

The beneficiaries

To apply for the Inclusion Allowance they may be those who have specific income, patrimony, citizenship requirements and who start a personalized initiation path to work.

The beneficiaries will be i households with an ISEE not exceeding 9,360 euros within which there is at least one disabled person, or a minor, or an over 60 year old, or a person with civil disability.

Those who can’t apply for it

You are not entitled to the Check the family member unemployed following voluntary resignationsin the 12 months following the date of resignation, without prejudice to resignation for just cause as well as the consensual terminations of the employment relationship.

The requirements to get it

Requirements for families at the time of the request and for the entire duration of the provision of the benefit, they are inherent to the citizenship and economic condition.

As for the first, whoever is applying must be:

  • resident in Italy
  • a citizen of the Union or a family member with the right of residence or the right of permanent residence.
  • a third-country national, but in possession of the EU residence permit for long-term residents.
  • holder of international protection status

The economic requirements

With reference to the economic condition, the family unit of the applicant must possess a valid ISEE not exceeding 9,360 euros and a family income below 6,000 euros per year.

This will then be multiplied by the corresponding parameter of the equivalence scale and which increase up to 3,360 euros per year in the case of rented accommodation. The real estate assetswhere the fixed abode is not included, cannot exceed 30,000 euros.

AND the cars in possession cannot have more than 1600 cubic capacity, while motorcycles over 250 cc registered in the previous three years. Vehicles granted with tax relief to people with disabilities are excluded from this limit.

How long does it last and how does it work

The period of disbursement of the inclusion allowance goes up to 18 months and can be renewedafter a month’s suspension, for another period which must not exceed 12 months.

To obtain the economic aid, the beneficiaries must register with SIISLthe information system for social and work inclusion e sign a digital activation agreement. From that moment, the check will be disbursed starting from the following month.

120 days after subscription the beneficiary must present himself at the first appointment with the social services to update your location. Subsequently I will do it every 90. In case of unexcused absence from a meeting, the disbursement of the check is suspended.

The path to find work

In addition, all members of the family receiving the allowance, aged between 18 and 59 who can be activated for work, must go to the job centres for subscribing to a personalized path of social or work inclusion, under penalty of revocation of the measure.

If an open-ended or fixed-term job offer lasting more than 12 months throughout the Italian territory, provided that the proposed salary is not lower than the minimum wages established by collective agreements, is declined, the check is revoked.

The controls

Checks on compliance with the rules will be carried out by the personnel of the Labor Inspectorate and by INPS and by the Carabinieri Command for the protection of work.

Beyond the revocation of the benefit and the return of what was receivedthose who will illegitimately benefit from the new tools to combat poverty will face serious criminal consequences.

