Incident in the camera: “woedende” voorzitster Tillieux scorst zitting en verlaat halfrond na discussionie met opposition | Inland

The discussion is about a wet design that is on the sea and a new patrimonial approach for you to inquire about. The majority of the texts were published on the agenda, the opposition made several amendments to the design of the State Council, which had never been passed on beforehand. N-VA-fractieleider Peter De Roover noemde the design “a belastingverhoging” and “a new aanslag op de koopkracht”.

The actual text of the fiscal year has been requested to be sent before the end of the year, in order to ensure that the sea is in the world of CD&V fractions. It’s always about “a budget that includes up to 200 million euros, which we don’t want to pay late,” and that’s it.

Toen de Kamervoorzitster dat toezegde, kreeg ze van de opposition de wind van voren en kreeg ze het verwijt zich “niet neutraal op te stellen”. In the middle of the day, Tillieux always received the right to the interpellation of the Minister of People’s Affairs Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) about the Medista dossier, which was later published by the state, and vervroegen. The opposition parties had to join in with the campaign, but they never had the opportunity to take part in the agenda of the Wijzigen.

“Tillieux is without the pedals,” responds a scherpe De Roover (N-VA) to our editors. “This is done by a total member of the party and within the framework of the toepassing of the regulations.” Ook Vlaams Belang-fractieleider Barbara Pas has never spoken about the incident. “Na de terechte criticism of the opposition over hair is broken into objectiviteit bolt ze het gewoon af. What a mess.”

After the Schorsing benadrukte Tillieux the voorzitter is from “all 150 leden” from the camera. Barbara quickly left. “Haar onkunde en partijdigheid is vandaag alweer aangetoond. Ze is Kamervoorzitter van de Meerderheid en niet van alle Kamerleden.” PS-fractieleider – en partijgenoot van Tillieux – Ahmed Laaouej lost the opposition to the “parlementary obstruction”.
