InboxThis, a free tool to send articles to your mailbox in one click

Communicators and marketers regularly roam the web to carry out their monitoring. They then create a list of articles that they sometimes read later in the day. To put them aside, they are forced to copy-paste their URL and paste it elsewhere. A simple manipulation that can however waste a lot of time on a daily basis.

To facilitate this, there is InboxThis. This free tool allows send the articles you want to read later in their inbox in seconds.

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Easily save articles

Previously, Paul Boudet, the creator of InboxThis, tried several ways to save the articles he wanted to read later: using bookmarks in his browser, opting for an application… However, they were not necessarily practical. Paul then opted for a simple solution: send the articles by e-mail. However, it took some time and required several manipulations: copy each URL, open his e-mail box, paste the entire article, type his e-mail address as the recipient, send it to himself…

From this idea was born InboxThis. This Google Chrome browser extension allows you to send any article or website to your inbox. For this, only one click is necessary. Easy to use, the tool is useful both for professionals who want to save articles they want to read later and for those who simply want to keep them in their inbox.

To use it, no registration or creation of an account is necessary. Once the extension is installed, an envelope-shaped icon will appear to the right of Google Chrome’s main bar. When you are reading an article that you want to keep, just click on the icon. The link will be immediately sent to your inbox.

This free tool is therefore a real time-saver and makes it easy to keep the most important articles on the eve. Importantly, InboxThis does not keep any of the URLs you register, they are stored in your browser.


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