Inagro is investigating agricultural possibilities in buffer basins

Inagro is investigating agricultural possibilities in buffer basins

On a test field between Roeselare and Hooglede, research is being done into how agriculture can be combined with water management. Buffering water in agricultural areas is a possible solution to the problems following intense thunderstorms or large volumes of winter precipitation. But a wet field is not always desirable for crop growth and agricultural operation.

Use agricultural land during wet and dry periods

Water-loving crops, such as watercress, water mint and bulrush, can provide an answer to still cultivate the agricultural land. “By focusing on crops that can withstand both dry and wet periods, the agricultural plot remains used during dry periods, but it also allows water to be retained on the plot and allowed to infiltrate into the soil during wet periods,” says Reindert. Devloynck, practical researcher at Inagro.

Inagro emphasizes that this is still a test setup. For farmers, for example, this technique is not yet profitable. “A few things still need to be tested and optimized. So there are still some issues that require more research.”
