‘In two years you will never have to wash your car again’ | Car

The American coating specialist Actnano wants to sideline car washes, make windows permanently free of condensation and protect upholstery and electronics against dirt. The secret? Nano coating.

According to lead researcher Justin Kleingartner, the transparent nanofilm can cover an entire car like a second skin. So not only the paint, but also the windows. The coating not only ensures that rainwater drips off effortlessly, it is also dirt-repellent, protective and has a self-cleaning effect. “In about two years we should be able to make car washes definitively superfluous with the help of nanoguard”, says Kleingartner to the German Automobilwoche.

Tesla has been using it for years

Tesla has been using the transparent and water-repellent super stuff for years, making the car largely immune to moisture, heat, dust and salt. BMW and Porsche also see a great future for the stuff. Both companies have bought shares in Actnano through their subsidiaries. A nanolayer could keep sensors for radar systems in the car free of dirt, snow and ice formation: elementary issues in a future full of (partly) self-driving cars.

Also suitable for protecting carpet and sofa

The company also sees opportunities outside the automotive industry. Actnano also wants to offer its coatings in residential construction as permanent protection for facades and windows. But surfaces that get dirty quickly, such as carpets, chairs and sofas, would also benefit from the nano-layer. The company also believes it can provide waterproof cell phones and USB sticks, sweat-resistant headphones and cardio watches, and interference-free monitoring and alarm systems.

Price not yet known

The coating prevents condensation and corrosion, can be applied directly to complex components without preparation and is free from harmful fluorine and halogen compounds. The applications are not yet possible, so the company cannot answer the question of how much the stuff costs. It is also not clear what exactly needs to be done in the case of repairs and repainting of, for example, damaged sheet metal parts of a car. Some skepticism is also in order, because in the past more companies have offered protective layers that would make car washing superfluous.
