In Turin the shortest cycle path in the world

What has been baptized in Turin as the shortest cycle path in the world, measuring just 750 cm long and 150 cm wide, is causing discussion.

“Less is more”. The architect Mies van der Rohe said it and it represents the minimalist belief of many. Often “less is more”. The same cannot be said this time with what has already been renamed la shortest cycle path in the world. It is in Turin and is one and a half meters wide. But it’s the length that makes you smile. As soon as 750 cm. Roughly the space that two Fiat Pandas would occupy.


The new, however short, cycle path is located in San Donato district. We are in Piazzale Umbria. Right where the course crosses via Livorno. The creation is in a workmanlike manner. The two-wheel track is red, made with draining material and surrounded by typical pavement stones. In fact, it is a stretch intended for bicycles, in the middle of the square, but far from the two existing stretches of cycle path that should connect.


The “mini track” was built as part of the redevelopment of the area Umbria course thanks to Pon Metro funds. In particular, the restyling of the stretch that goes from via Capua to via Fagnano. In that case, to “redevelop” it was decided to demolish a lot 77 towering maples. Over 15 meters tall. To be replaced by a hundred ornamental pear trees that today they don’t reach 5 and a half metres. Returning to the very short track, there is an explanation for its existence. In fact, the point in Piazzale Umbria, in the section where the track should have acted as a connection, is occupied by a kiosk. Just like the roadside, a possible alternative, is used by a bus stop Sadem. The idea was therefore to make it clear to cyclists who encounter it, with that drawn section, that the track, although not marked, exists and can be used. Even if not visible.
