In total 324 salmonella besmettingen were linked to Belgischie Ferrero-fabriek | landlocked

In the Europese Unie en het Verenigd Koninkrijk zijn tot 18 mei al 324 salmonella besmettingen linked to the uitbraak by the Ferrero-chocoladefabriek in Aarlen. This is reported by the Europese Autoriteit voor Voedselveiligheid (EFSA) and het Europees Centrum voor Ziektepreventie en -bestrijding (ECDC) Wednesday.

Last week the Federal Agency for Public Safety (FAVV) announced that it was in Belgium for about 62 years. The first event was detected on January 7th in the United Kingdom. If it is February 17th, besmettingen will be detected in different countries. Midden April bleek dat he internationaal 119 salmonallebesmettingen aan de uitbraak near Ferrero konden been linked. That aantal is intussen sea then dubbed.

EFSA and ECDC lifted the weekday over 324 days, was 266 years old and 58 weeks. Het gaat om gevallen in België, Denemarken, Germany, France, Ierland, Italië, Luxemburg, Nederland, Noorwegen, Oostenrijk, Spanje, Zweden en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. He was also identified in Switzerland and in Canada and in the United States, both instants.

The most infections, in sea dan 86 percent van de Vallen, doen voor until children dead de leeftijd van tien jaar. Four options were most opgenomen in het ziekenhuis. It will be reported to you.

All of the two salmon stem from being multi-resistant and some of the tests are also considered to be resistant on the basis of medium-sized data, stated that week in the personal report, and reacted to the fact that antibiotics were still being used.

New besmettingen

The oorzaak van the salmonella-uitbraak in the factory van Ferrero in Aarlen is a filter van two grondstoreservoirs. The order will be announced on December 15th after the placement. Op 8 April besloot het FAVV de toelating van de Ferrero-fabriek in the trekken. Also, all children’s products that are produced in the factory, uit de rekken te halen are gevraagd at angles. It is not known that there are no new design options, according to EFSA and ECDC, that the chocolate products have been consumed for a long time in the home. Het duurt also meestal some tijd vooraleer besmettingen been reported.

The Ferrero-fabriek in Aarlen is still closed, it needs to be served as an official aanvraag in the FAVV om zijn productie te may start here. Het voedselagentschap evaluates the aanvraag.
