In this way, the world stars are showing their support for Ukraine

Several superstars are very concerned about the Ukrainians.

Shanne Doherty, Ashton Kutcher and Miley Cyrus, among others, have expressed support for the Ukrainians. AOP

Like many Finnish celebrities, world stars have shown their support and compassion for Ukrainians. Actress Angelina Jolie expressed her concern on behalf of Ukraine and called in a statement that it was now vital to do everything possible to help the Ukrainians who had fled their homes.

Horror writer Stephen King also posted an update on his Twitter account related to the Ukrainian war. King says he supports Ukraine and has now exceptionally published a picture of himself.

– I’m on the Ukrainian side, King’s shirt read in English.

In addition to Jolie and King, numerous other world stars have also taken a stand on the war in Ukraine and shown their support for the Ukrainians through social media.

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively

Blake Lively has also shared the charity campaign with her own Instagram account. John Angelillo / UPI / Shutterstock, AOP

Actress Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have shown their support for Ukraine and launched a charity campaign to raise money to help Ukrainians fleeing their homes. The amount could rise to as much as $ 1 million, or up to $ 900,000.

– In the last 48 hours, numerous Ukrainians have had to flee their homes to neighboring countries. They need protection, Reynolds wrote in his Twitter account as early as Saturday.

– When you donate, we double the amount to a million dollars, the actor continued in his tweet.

Lively has also shared the same information with his own Instagram account.

Shannen Doherty

Actress Shannen Doherty has raised her concerns on social media several times already. Rob Latour / Shutterstock, AOP

Actress Shannen Doherty has expressed her support for Ukraine on several occasions on the social media side.

– This is happening now, pay attention, talk. I can’t believe celebrities and influencers post their accomplishments or latest bags when children, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters are killed. The reach of social media has its limits but I think it can also be much more than just starting to highlight itself.

– Ukraine, I pray for you Ukraine, Doherty concludes his writing, to the end of which has also added the motto “peace for all.”

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher put it briefly and concisely on Twitter. Kristin Callahan / Shutterstock, AOP

Actress Ashton Kutcher has also made her position clear on her Twitter account.

– I’m on the Ukrainian side, the actor writes briefly and concisely.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner posted an important message on her Instagram account of more than 300 million followers. AOP

Makeup mogul Kylie Jenner took advantage of her Instagram account of more than 314 million followers to post an important post on the Stories section.

– God’s blessing to the Ukrainians. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere wrote a long text that also condemns Putin’s actions. Startraks / Shutterstock, AOP

Actress Hayden Panettiere has one child in common, a 7-year-old daughter, along with Ukrainian ex-professional boxer Wladimir Klitschko. Panettiere has previously told his worried fans that the child is safe and not in Ukraine.

On his Instagram account, the actor published a long article supporting Ukraine and condemning the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

– I have personally witnessed the strength of the Ukrainians, they fought for their independence and have continued to defend their country for years. What Putin is doing is utterly shameful!

– This terrible moment tells a terrible message: a message that in 2022 will convey that it is okay to harm freedom and allow dictators like Putin to do what they want. I pray for my family, friends, and everyone who is fighting. I hope you have more support and I wish I was fighting with you. Now I ask that we who cannot be present stand side by side in support of Ukraine and democracy.

Miley Cyrus

The Nothing Breaks Like a Heart music video by Mark Ronson and Miley Curys has been shot in Ukraine. Image Press Agency / NurPhoto / Shutterstock, AOP

Singer Miley Cyrus shared her experiences from her filming trip in Ukraine in the Stories section of Instagram. Cyrus and producer Mark Ronsonin paragraph Nothing Breaks Like a Heart is described in the Ukrainian capital.

– This morning it was heartbreaking to wake up to the news that Ukraine has been attacked. I had the most amazing experience filming “Nothing Breaks Like a Heart” in Kiev and I am forever grateful to the locals who welcomed us with open arms, Cyrus stated Thursday.

– I stand on the side of every Ukrainian affected by this attack and on the side of our global community, which demands an immediate end to this violence.

Sources: Daily Mail, Page Six
