In this country, the biggest screamers increasingly have the upper hand

Farmer protests on the A50 near Apeldoorn. Farmers threw manure, hay bales and car tires on the highway.Statue Luciano De Graaf

Intuitively I thought it wasn’t fair to pay taxes on interest not received, but I did pay. That was stupid, because although the Supreme Court also thought it was not fair, our government only decided to refund the overpaid tax to those who protested against the assessment, but sucker that I am, I failed to do this and paid my assessment .

Also, I, 83-year-old grandmother, thought I had the right to demonstrate for a better climate for my granddaughters. Permission was granted for the demonstration. Nevertheless, the police came and we were sent away. Done stupid again.

We should have rammed into the doors and windows of the House of Representatives building with walkers and mobility scooters. Then we would have gained respect. I fear the worst for the future of this country and its inhabitants, where the right of the biggest crier increasingly prevails.

Danny RuevekampLaren


Max Verstappen is proud to be a Dutchman, he tells the press. Max is apparently not proud enough to pay taxes in the Netherlands. And the fact that he lives in Monaco, so that he is not liable for tax in the Netherlands, apparently did not prevent the king from giving Max a ribbon.

Marie-France AdmiralVught

Purchasing power

I am not an economist, so I will not be very surprised if I am wrong when I say that the aim should not be at all to restore the purchasing power of the citizen. We consume way too much. For example: ‘The airline tickets are becoming unaffordable!’ Yes, and that’s exactly the point.

Ruud van der WeeleZoelmond

end of life

The report in the Magazine illustrates once again how frantically our legislation still deals with the end of life. ‘Unbearable suffering without prospects’, how do you come up with such a thing? How long will we allow a religious minority to deprive us of the right to self-determination?

To begin with, we could say, following the example of countries around us, that the end of life is an integral part of life itself, and thus the person in question is the only one who decides about it.

Henk VrinsNaarden

end of life (2)

After reading the beautiful, recognizable and moving article about euthanasia, I am once again strengthened in my conviction that we as people should be able to decide autonomously about our own end of life without the intervention of doctors or care providers.

On 10 October, the trial that the Coörporatie Last Will has started against the State regarding the ban on assisted suicide will take place in The Hague. It is fantastic what the Euthanasia Expertise Center does and has done. It is high time that a major step forward was taken and that we were able to decide for ourselves about the end of life and that we had access to humane means to do so.

Johan KoelemanOoij

Close gaps

Forced to close all gaps, as suggested by A. van Mourik, is prompted by the many recommendations on this, including from MilieuCentraal, but this mainly applies to homes with mechanical ventilation. The energy counter in West Betuwe may provide incorrect information. Ventilation is necessary for a good indoor climate, sufficient oxygen, less particulate matter and less covid. A lower room temperature and good insulation results in much more energy savings.

When a house is better insulated, it is necessary to carefully consider how the ventilation is done. Close all cracks and a bad indoor environment results in more flu patients. Maximum rental prices per energy label (ventilation is part) is a more sustainable means of saving energy.

Sjoerd Nienhuysresidential energy advisor, Hilversum

weird photos

For a long time I have been amazed at the photos that are placed with editorial articles. People are no longer simply photographed on a chair, but they are artfully draped around it, lying in an impossible position on the floor or otherwise not relaxed in the photo. During the weekend we get an insight into a Dutch family where a child just ‘cozy’ sits on the kitchen counter (which parent thinks that is good?) to read a book.

I can handle it all, but today I decided to climb into the pen. A photo of a lawyer in a toga with flip-flops frivolously showing what he’s wearing underneath. Luckily his Speedo was spared me. I must be an old grumpy man. So be it.

Frank BulthuisLeusden

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