In there. Italians in F. Ceccarelli’s social networks: review by Serena Dandini

Serena Dandini (photo by Gianmarco Chieregato).

Lin the morning after brushing my teeth and applying the moisturizer to my face, I watch the news online and take a look at the social networks, as I all think …

But mostly I remained an analog girl and I prefer to have a chat with the newsagent under the house that secluded myself in solitude with my smartphone.

I do not condemn or criminalize those who spend more time, sometimes too much, scrolling through images, proclamations, dida and memes, immersing themselves for a long time In there which is also the title of Filippo Ceccarelli’s latest work, subtitle Italians in social networks (Feltrinelli).

Ceccarelli is a journalist I have always admired for his intelligence, competence and wit and above all for his ability to glide from top to bottom, between the stars and the stables of Italian behavior, taking a truthful snapshot of our times every time without intellectual snobbery. .

In this latest adventure, a full-bodied essay of three hundred pages, he dared an enterprise bordering on self-harm and, to tell us about the relationship of our compatriots with the social worldhe immersed himself “in there” in person for several hours a day, for more than two years, surfing without a net or protection, looking for if not for a sense, at least for traces and clues that can help us to design the anthropological change of the new digital human beings made in Italy.

“In there. Italians in social media ”by Filippo Ceccarelli (Feltrinelli).

The author, after having dealt with the political theater for years and with painstaking patience in every nuance of the palace chronicles, with the same air of the consummate archivist, (we recall that he donated his encyclopedic archive of paper clippings to the Library of the Chamber of deputies), he made this descent into hell, “a media attack” as he defines it without discounts.

From Pasolini’s prophecies to Fratellì’s delusional proclamations, nothing is overlooked and the resulting picture resembles a hellish vision by Jeronymous Bosch but with a carbonara flavor.

Through a detailed and self-deprecating account he gives us back his personal experience as an analogue “stupid”never opinionated indeed if it is possible enchanted and touched by the creativity of our people who even in the abyss of trash – sometimes unmentionable – always manages to have a spark of creativity that conquers.

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Eventually we find that for better or for worse, sarcasm and irony are the true glue of our country: a laugh will bury us or maybe save us.
All the articles by Serena Dandini.

