In the Save the Date series, a huge disappointment: Mimi judges two men

Mimi, Noora and Katariina are looking for a husband in a new love reality show.

In the opening episode, Mimi immediately sets her eyes on a man, whom she gets to know better after a week. Four

Three women are looking for the right one in the new Save the Date Suomi love reality show. Noora31, Katarina28, and With Mimi37, has 50 days to find a man by her side to walk down the aisle with.

In the opening period, the gases are selected and the process is started. Each of the women goes on at least one date with groomsmen who are strangers to them. The atmosphere is expectant and romance is in the air, but Mimi is disappointed right from the start. He contacts two men whom he would like to get to know better.

– I sent a message For Devontay and For Faris. I wrote the same message to both of them, Mimi tells the cameras.

Noora, Mimi and Katariina meet potential grooms while they organize their own wedding to the fullest. Four

The Finnish message in all its simplicity is like this: “Hey, Mimi here. Would you like to go on a date?”. Both men respond to the proposal. The content is just not quite what Mimi would have liked.

– From Faris’ message, I didn’t understand what he wrote at first – at all, Mimi laments.

Faris has written in the following way: “Hellaw right the way we go for date”. He is freely translated as being ready for a date right away.

Devontey’s train of thought makes it easier for Mimi to get there, but she’s not happy about it either.

– Devontey replied that “Hey Mimi, could you send that same message in English?”.

So the man asks Mimi to send the message again and this time in English.

– It’s a huge dissapointment for me, Mimi describes her huge disappointment and explains in more detail the reasons why the behavior is shocking.

– The fact that he doesn’t even try to guess what he could read in my message. The fact that he doesn’t copy paste and just uses Google Translate, Mimi refers to Google Translate, where Devontey, in her opinion, could have copied the Finnish message and translated it into English himself.

Save the Date women date the same men. What is a red garment for one person may not bother another in any way. Four

Initiative is essential for Mimi. The woman doesn’t like its absence.

– For me, the most important thing in life in general is to be self-initiative and not to wait and wonder why things don’t happen, Mimi states and underlines that she also has to be self-initiative.

After Devontey and Faris, Mimi is impressed Emil. He gets to decide if the two of them go on a date to do something functional or eat more traditionally.

– Eemil chose that we go to eat. It’s a really pleasant message with him, Mimi thanks.

Save the Date Finland today on Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
