In the new Flash film: Adam West and Christopher Reeve return to the big screen

In the new Flash film: Adam West and Christopher Reeve return to the big screen



Enormous rumors are simmering in the DC Universe. According to respected whistleblowers in the DC world, Christopher Reeve and Adam West will be making two cameo appearances in the new The Flash movie, according to respected whistleblowers in the DC world . So the superheroes of past decades should probably be seen in a scene in which Barry Allen wanders through different universes.

Back to the past

Apparently, the ’60s Batman and the ’80s Superman only appear for a brief moment. The Flash character, embodied by Ezra Miller, probably doesn’t interact with them either, but sees them in action in their respective times. Accordingly, the cameos were borrowed from old archive material – so there will be no fake dialogues based on computer animations. This also applies to Lynda Carter, who is also said to have a guest appearance as Wonder Woman.

Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman (1977)

About two icons of the DC Universes

From 1978 to 1987, Christopher Reeve impersonated Superman in four movies. After falling off his horse at a horse show in 1995 and breaking two vertebrae in his neck, the American was paralyzed from the neck down. He died on October 10, 2004 at the age of only 52 as a result of the accident.

Between 1966 and 1968, Adam West slipped into the role of Batman for a total of 120 television episodes – a great international success as well: the cinema film “Batman keeps the world in suspense” based on the series was produced while it was still running. After that, however, it was difficult for the performer to shed his superhero image. He passed away on June 9, 2017 in Los Angeles at the age of 88.

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