In the middle – NRC

Horizontal: 1. Calling temporary princes 5. Was Verstappen already 14 times this year 10. ‘__ holds the Horn of Africa in its grip’ 12. Paper shop 13. __ Wüst 15. tour 17. For the greedy drinker 18. Has the Sagrada Familia been 140 years already 22. Jesus __ 23. Three Days in a __, Anouk 25. oriental clothes 27. great minds think __ 29. Fits for wire or even 30. egg turner 31. hop women 32. Building material of a polite donkey

Vertical: 1. ‘__ leaves the House of Representatives without goodbye’ 2. Sang Easy on Me 3. Mate 4. Manage capabilities 5. Sharon or Oliver 6. Winner 7. Between in and over 8. Supports the athlete 9. Fits for stand or flight 11. __ plan 14. Answer 16. Short absence 19. rock-__ 20. There Jerney gave her opinion 21. Daughter of Thomas Mann 24. ‘Most Ukrainian refugees have __’ 25. School where people walk in uniform 26. Nice way to fall 28. Descends behind the opponent

Solution puzzle November 2nd. Horizontal: 1. SWIFT 4. HALFOM 9. URAL 11. EMO 12. ADIEU 14. OV 15. REAL 16. FEZ 17. LILA 22. HERA 23. REE 25. ORDER 27. AS 28. TREND 29. LTO 30. PATIO 31. HONORABLE 32. PANKY Vertical: 1. STAFF 2. IBIZA 3. TOUCHÉ 4. HAWK 5. AL 6. FAIRY 7. EMBRACING 8. MOL 10. ROOF 13. THE SHORT 15. RAD 18. LAPTOP 19. CHE 20. ORAL 21. AREAN 24. EDDY 25 OLÉ 26. DOR 30. PO In the middle: KACHOVKADAM
