In the Guinness Book of Longevity there is a Sardinian country

P.we were sure that the Japan held the longevity record. But no: because with ben 8 centenarians out of 1,778 inhabitantsa town in Sardinia is still found in the Guinness Book of Records for longevity.

Guinness longevity: there is Sardinia

Is called Perdasdefogu And it is located in the Nuorese area and recently also obtained the certification: the largest number of centenarians still alive in the world live there in proportion to the number of residents, one for every 222 inhabitants.

The record is mainly due to Antonio Brundu, a former civil servant, who he is 104 years old very well and that he is not the only one in the family to be long-lived. Also his sister Maria is in great shape at 102.

guinness longevity sardinia

105-year-old Consolata Melis, with the World Guinness Certificate, poses with her three brothers at her home in the village of Perdasdefogu. The Melis family is officially the oldest in the world

Perdasdefogu, the country where you live well

But it is probably the country that makes people live well and for a long time. Because even several fellow villagers can still remember the good times all together. I am Bonino Lai of 103, Vittorio Spanu of 102, Giovannina Mameli of 101, Federica Melis and Concetta Melis of 101 and Vittorio Lai with his 100 years.

The incredible thing is that they all still live in the familywith the exception of Vittorio Spanu, who instead is a guest of the old people’s home in the town.

Guinness longevity: families forever

In 2012 Perdasedfogu had already been inscribed in the book of records for the longest-lived family in the world, that of the Melis, 9 brothers and sisters who all together they were 837 years old. A record still unbeaten.

In the meantime, however, some of them have died: in 2015 Consolata, the eldest, passed away at almost 108 years of age who had 14 children, followed in the following years by her sister Claudina, who died at 103, by another sister, Maria, who disappeared two months before her 100th anniversary, and by her brother Antonio, who died at 99.

The story of the Melis also likes the New York Times

The story of the Melis family, which he also wrote in 2013 New York Times became a film in 2020, The children of records shot by one of the grandchildren.

But of the family, nine years ago he had even become also famous is the “minestrone”, a symbol of their longevityprepared exclusively with vegetables grown in the home garden.

