In the end, only little birds lived there: “Lindenstrasse” was demolished





For 35 years, “Lindenstrasse” with its residential buildings, the Astor cinema center, the Café Bayer and the Restaurant Akropolis was a familiar sight for millions of viewers. Now, two years after the setting of the first German soap opera, the outer set is being completely demolished – the excavators have already arrived.

Mother Beimer’s house is no longer there

The house in which, among other things, mother Beimer had her home, has already been razed to the ground. According to a “WDR” spokeswoman, the demolition work on the production site in Cologne-Bocklemünd should be completed by the end of April. First, the buildings made of concrete or wood were gutted; Façade cladding, windows and company signs removed and disposed of.

A piece of German television history is preserved

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