In the Dream Wedding program, dining from the freezer boxes

There is a film theme at Eijariina’s and Aki’s wedding, which can be seen both in the costumes and in the wedding program numbers.

Eijariina and Aki got to know each other in the Tinder dating app in 2020. TV5 / Discovery +

The fifth production season of the Dream Wedding program will be introduced Eijariinan54, and Akin55 love stories.

The couple was inaugurated at the local register office six months before the summer wedding. The festivities in July are special in many ways, as the passionate film of the bride Eijariina in particular can be seen in the wedding venue, the activities, and the dress of the wedding couple and guests.

Eijariina works as a leisure assistant for the mentally handicapped. Films are of great interest to her and for this reason she is an active moderator of the Facebook group for film production assistants, most of whom are wedding guests.

The groom is a nurse by training. The wedding will be held in Roihuvuori, Helsinki, in a Japanese-style garden that is also compatible with one of Aki’s passions: the Japanese fencing sport Kendo.

Wedding dining from the freezer boxes

Eijariina and Aki are dressed as well-known secret police at their wedding party. Aki, hiding behind a Miss Brple costume and hiding behind the mustache of Hercule Poirot, Aki stays in her roles throughout the party.

Eijariina and Aki enjoy playing board games and cooking together. TV5 / Discovery +

Wedding guests will perform their film roles in a variety of costumes. The facial expressions of the guests become amused and somewhat confused when the bride tells the wedding meal to take place in a rather bizarre way.

– As you can see, there are freezer boxes. Inside is the salad of the day from the movie “Worthless,” the bride explains as guests laugh.

Guests sit at the tables set on the sandy garden of Roihuvuori Garden and enjoy a day’s meal in plastic cups.

First date at a wedding party

The episode also sees another unprecedented scene as the wedding couple asks two of their friends in front of the party guests.

– Now we have a surprise for our guests too, we have first dates here! Where is the first date? Stand out, step up! The wedding couple announces into the microphone.

– Well, come on. We’ve all been on first dates sometimes! Here it must be said that if I have had a wonderful man so be it Elinayou can get with! Arto has asked Elina for this avec this week! The bride says excitedly.

The first date couple says the wedding was a nice experience and the first date went great. Eijariina hopes to be able to celebrate her friends’ wedding in the future.

Dream Wedding 5th season of TV5 and Discovery +on Mondays. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
