In the chaos of Europe’s air havens: Brussels Airport vakbonden vrezen for problems tijdens zomervakantie | tease

It’s been a chaotic time, experts think of Luchthavens. In Groot-Brittannië en Ierland there were a lot of problems that weekend. Dozens of canteens muck up in the vlucht. Also in Keulen, Düsseldorf and Schiphol we know the problem. Op Zaventem was het druk het vorbije weekend, but there were problems. Due to the fact that the vacation days are open in Zaventem, the airport means that the prints from that time can be added.

Kut Callaerts from ACV Transcom, which deals with the concerns of the workers in the air arts sector, reports that the deze zomer wel zeer moeilijk kan been: “He zijn nog steeds meer dan 300 openstaande vacatures. When the mensen opgeleid krijgen tegen deze zomer? Dat zal nog een huzarenstukje zijn”.

A measure has been taken to ensure that the aircraft in the air port from Zaventem is a separate area for sea personnel. At that moment, 1,200 people were eating. “The Luchthaven is only a short distance away from all operational partners in the processes that may be lost later. Op piekmomenten zijn (beperkte) Wachtrijen niet uit te sluiten, maar we doen er alles aan om de vacancy period zo vlot mogelijk te laten verlopen en we warn geen big problems zoals we dat op OTHER Luchthavens zien”, luidt the statement from Brussels Airport.

Transport experts think that the problems in the country are not even big because they have never been seen: “Ok, there are some noises and beeps,” says transport expert Wouter Dewulf, “Waiting on valiezen is very small and it is extra belangrijk om op tijd te komen”.
