In search of your own style

★★★ The resounding beauty of a timeless face and total nonchalance to not hide occasional mistakes, own and others, characterize the actress and host Juana Viale. After successfully replacing her grandmother, the iconic Mirtha Legrand, a true national treasure of Argentine entertainment, Viale stamped her name on the title of the legendary luncheons. When rehearsing an improvised dance, she barely crosses the sliding doors that herald her appearance, an overflowing and contagious vitality define the beginning of each program, now her own.

In any case, it still strictly preserves the inherited mold and one wonders if it should not assume a more relaxed role. For example, in addition to the beginning described, she points out the clothing and accessories that she wears, in a task that seems to limit her. Because in terms of clothing, jewelry and footwear, it is clinging only to the sophisticated designs of Gino Bogani, and misses the opportunity to wear outfits by different and even emerging fashion designers.

In addition, he introduces the different guests (albeit with pompadours that he reads and a short audiovisual clip that serves as their introduction), who sit around a luxurious and formal table, instead of adopting a relaxed tone. Perhaps she would help her being in the living room, surrounded by her guests sprawled everywhere, tasting food more typical of an informal meeting, to eat with her hands and the help of napkins. On top of that, she discusses with the nice chef Jimena Monteverde the details of the succession of dishes, announces countless advertisements and attends to the instructions of the behind-the-scenes team. It is in this structural corset where a certain discomfort of Juana is evident, whose spontaneous and frontal spirit is besieged by fulfilling the foreseeable rather than trying to try her luck with what seems to be what most identifies her.

The positive is when it directly addresses the suffering reality of our country. For example, it was possible to once again appreciate his ability to ask questions and listen very carefully when he interviewed the Buenos Aires Minister of Education, Soledad Acuña, about the unusual and excessive takeover of secondary schools by students from the city of Buenos Aires. , in demand of better viands. Also the obvious ease of her to prepare a dessert with the young singer Rusherking.

In short, Juana Viale has the extraordinary opportunity to put her stamp on a weekly appointment that demands a more innovative and authentic approach with the viewer. I hope I don’t miss it.

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