in Russia there will be a new vaccine against covid

In the center of Gamaleya they are preparing for tests new vaccine against coronavirus COVID-19. It was developed on the basis of virus-like particles. Volunteers will be 600 people. What is the peculiarity of the drug?

It will be a “three in one” protection – from the Wuhan strain, from the “delta” and from the “omicron”, says Alexander Gunzburg. The Gamaleya Research Center is about to begin clinical trials of a new anti-COVID vaccine based on virus-like particles. Himself coronavirus COVID-19 there is no preparation in the preparation, only S-proteins – those that give it the shape of a crown. They are safe.

“This particle does not contain any genetic material, no virus, so it is completely harmless,” notes Alexander Gunzburg. “Accordingly, it is planned to obtain such a vaccine for wide civil circulation – somewhere, I think, in the middle of autumn this year.”

covid vaccination – right at the break. In the vaccination room, students of the twenty-first school in Kostroma. High school students say that with the vaccine, it will even be easier to pass exams – more confidence in themselves and in their immunity. “In order not to get sick during the exams,” says eleventh-grader Anastasia Shushkevich. “And in our family, getting vaccinated is considered the norm.”

Children’s covid centers began to work in the Irkutsk region. Bogdan Netsvetaev virus almost won – it remains only to get rid of the cough. Almost the entire family of a schoolboy caught covid, but they had a mild illness. “My youngest child, my daughter, fell ill, then the middle girl fell ill,” says Bogdan’s mother Olga Netsvetaeva. “Together with the children, we went to the pediatrician, where we were tested for COVID-19.”

In Saransk, an ambulance in a reinforced composition is sent to those who have not yet done an express test, but already feel unwell. Together with the paramedic, the head physician of the station often travels to help colleagues cope with the workload.

In Moscow, the incidence curve has been going down for almost a week. But this is not a reason to postpone revaccination, and even more so primary vaccination, doctors say.

The pandemic did not just cause a total mobilization of the entire healthcare system – it revealed special “positive trends”, says Sergei Sobyanin. These are, first of all, innovative startups in the field of medicine. There were so many of them that a Profile Center for Innovative Technologies was opened in the capital to implement ideas from different regions throughout the country.

“The Moscow Medical Technology Center is designed to solve several problems at once,” the mayor said. “Firstly, this is one window for clinical trials so that the innovations that are offered on the market can be brought to an industrial scale. Secondly, it is to assist innovative companies. And the third is assistance to leading clinics, support for innovative teams that work in these clinics.”

For example, a hospital in Kommunarka received two grants at once. One is for research in pediatrics, the other is for a project to preserve the properties of antibiotics. Microbes have learned not to react to these drugs. “One of the global threats to humanity is antibiotic resistance,” recalls Denis Protsenko, chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 40 of the DZM. “And we are also trying to monitor. But we also want to develop a means of overcoming resistance so that we have reliable tools to save lives sick.”

Here again, the experience of the coronavirus pandemic helps, experts say. Laboratories have picked up the right pace – from scientific thought to the conveyor with ampoules is now only a few months. And that could very well be the defining factor in the game. racing against the virus.

News about the fight against the pandemic – on the media platform “Looking”.
