In Pictures: Exams passed, the flag is allowed to go out!

Almost all high school graduation students received the results of their exams today. And that made it an exciting day for many vmbo, havo and vwo students: can the flag fly, will there be a resit or will the good news be postponed for another year? During the day many flags were hung throughout Drenthe with the well-known school bag attached to it.

In general, the corona virus has brought us little good in the past two years, but creative solutions from last year to be able to do certain things still hold up this year. Such as an open double-decker bus that visited students’ homes to personally share the good news with them. And at the Dr. Nassau College in Norg, they thought: why not do it again this year?

‘Marloes, Marloes, come out’, it sounds through the speakers when a bus full of celebrating students stops at Marloes Beuving’s house. Friends get out and embrace her enthusiastically when she hears that she passed. “We were supposed to be called between 12.30 and 1.30 p.m., so I didn’t expect them so early,” she says, a little stunned. “I was sitting on the couch with my phone in hand when I heard the bus coming with music.” After a congratulatory photo, Marloes also gets in and the bus heads for the next exam student.
