In pictures: code yellow at stormy Schiphol

Air traffic to Schiphol was affected by the stormy weather this afternoon. Many flights had to wait extra long and fly circles over the North Sea, South Holland and Flevoland before landing on the Buitenveldertbaan. The KNMI had issued a code yellow. For Schiphol this meant strong gusts of wind of about 90 kilometers per hour.

For a large part of the day, only the Schiphol-Oostbaan and Buitenveldertbaan were open to landing traffic. The Kaagbaan has been in use all day for departing aircraft, but was sometimes also used as a landing runway for heavy cargo aircraft.

Between 13:00 and 20:00, mainly the Buitenveldertbaan was assigned to incoming aircraft due to the strong westerly wind. Some flights had to make a go-around.

At the end of the afternoon, the Buitenveldertbaan was used for landing air traffic. The article continues below the video.

Since Monday, there has been more air traffic over Amsterdam and Amstelveen approaching Schiphol’s Oost- and Buitenveldertbaan. This will continue to be the case in the coming months, because major maintenance on the Aalsmeerbaan. In strong south-westerly winds, these runways may also be used at night.
