IN PICTURE. Sam (8) climbs over 900m rock in Yosemite National Park in four days | The best thing on the web

Sam Baker is the youngest climber to climb the famous El Capitan rock in Yosemite National Park. So says his father, Joe Baker, on Facebook. The American and his 8-year-old son reached the top of the 900-meter high mountain wall in California on Friday. “What a great week. I’m so proud of Sam,” it sounds on social media.

Fans of the young climber could follow the day-long ascent via facebook and Instagram. On Tuesday, Sam and Joe started their adventure along with two other climbers. Four days later and more than 900 meters higher, the team reached their goal: the summit of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

The climbers celebrated this milestone with a small party and a disco ball, Joe Baker reported on Facebook. “We made it! Sam is the youngest to climb ElCap with ropes. He may break more records in a few years. We’ll be glowing for days to come. Tomorrow (Saturday, ed.) we will walk 8 miles (almost 13 kilometers, ed.) down.”

With a disco ball and a small party, Sam (8) and his fellow climbers celebrated the ascent of El Capitan. © Facebook/Joe Baker

The 8-year-old doesn’t get his love for climbing from strangers. Both Sam’s mother and father are crazy about the sport. “Before he could walk, Sam was already in a (climbing) harness,” his father said. Mother Ann told CNN that they have always supported Sam’s adventures. “He seems very happy to be there.” From the valley she followed the trail of her husband and son.

For 18 months, Sam was primed for the challenging climb. Earlier father and son Baker also conquered Moonlight Buttress in Zion National Park, Utah. After this, Joe was sure his son was ready for El Capitan. “He did a great job and showed us he could handle it.”

The boy also endured the climb of the well-known rock in Yosemite National Park. However, his father had expected tears to flow “because it is so difficult”. “It’s emotional, but Sam was so strong and overcame all the hurdles.”

The boy carried his own gear, plus water and food, during the climb, local radio station KRDO reports. He slept with his father on a portal edge. That’s a small platform for two people, which – yes – is perpendicular to the cliff.

Enjoy Sam’s stellar performance through photos and videos Joe Baker posted on Instagram and Facebook.

On Tuesday, Sam and Joe (center) started their adventure together with two other climbers.

On Tuesday, Sam and Joe (center) started their adventure together with two other climbers. © Facebook/Joe Baker

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© Facebook/Joe Baker

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© Facebook/Joe Baker

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© Facebook/Joe Baker

Sam and his father slept on a portaledge, a small platform perpendicular to the cliff.

Sam and his father slept on a portaledge, a small platform perpendicular to the cliff. © Facebook/Joe Baker

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© Facebook/Joe Baker

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© Facebook/Joe Baker
