IN PICTURE. A flying Peter and Tom Waes in a chocolate pot: this was Peter Van De Veire’s farewell show | showbiz

showbizSaturday evening the roof went off in the Sportpaleis for the thank you show by Peter Van de Veire (50). Numerous fans and performers sang, danced and partied for nearly eight hours. “Long speeches were not necessary for me, I mainly wanted a big party,” says Peter. Niels Destadsbader, Regi, Gert & James, Metejoor, Loreen, Willy Somers and Tom Waes, among others, waved goodbye to the radio host.

Peter Van de Veire literally and figuratively flew in. In a superman suit, he was catapulted above the audience and landed on the stage. “I think my crotch is the same color as this suit,” the host opened the show.

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

The opening act was for Sam Gooris. The singer created a lot of ambiance with his well-known hit ‘Let the grass grow’.

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Then it was the turn of Jef Van Echelpoel (Tijs Vanneste) with ‘Ziet em duun’. He and Sam Gooris had provided Peter with a present: six cans of beer. “A real six-pack especially for you,” the two laugh. “It’s been a few years since I’ve had one,” Peter laughs.

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

The former sidekicks of Peter Van De Veire were also present. Nasrien Cnops performed the song ‘Bed of Roses’. Julie Van den Steen then came back on stage dressed as Donald Trump. “I made a bet with Peter in 2016: if Donald Trump won the presidential election, I would come to work dressed as him for a month. And I did that effectively.” Julie took the famous suit and tie from her wardrobe again just for the occasion. Nasrien and Julie also brought a present for Peter: shampoo especially for people with gray hair. Eva Daeleman and Lieselot Ooms, the very first sidekicks, had made a film with a heartwarming message for Peter.

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© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Peter Van de Veire is of course also known as a Eurovision Song Contest guru. The Swedish Loreen, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012, surprised Peter with her world hit ‘Euphoria’. “The organization asked me in advance who I absolutely wanted to join, and that was Loreen,” says Peter. “I feel quite honoured, because she comes to Belgium for a song and then flies back to Sweden.”

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Peter wasn’t the only one being catapulted into the air. Niels Destadsbader also sought higher spheres. During Regi’s DJ set, the audience saw Niels fly by and they sang ‘The world turns for you’ together. In the end, Niels also made an unfortunate fall when he walked across the podium. “I just went on my mouth here for a full Sportpaleis”, the singer laughed. Niels and Miguel Wiels then surprised Peter with a reworked version of ‘Conquer Me’. ‘Over over over over me’ became ‘over over over over and out’. “It’s our turn to say a big thank you,” Niels said.

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Afterwards, Gert Verhulst and James Cooke also came to thank Peter for the past thirteen years. Together with Peter himself, they performed their song ‘Altijd’. “Here is the text, we have indicated the pieces by Jan Smit, you can sing them”, James clarified.

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Kawtar and Wanne, the last sidekicks of Peter, were of course also present. Together with all the other MNM DJs, they performed a surprise song for their co-presenter. “You almost had me in tears,” said Peter clearly affected.

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© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

The audience was presented with many other performances. None other than Metejoor, Gers Pardoel and Willy Somers performed their most popular songs. Metejoor took his sister Lisa on stage.

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© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

MNM DJ Robin Keyaert and mom Ingeborg were dressed as postmen and drove into a large chocolate pot together as a present, which Tom Waes was hiding in. The ‘Tomtesteron’ star was presented with Dos Cervezas from the hands of Jeroen Meus. “I first performed that song in Peter’s show,” says Tom. “At the beginning of your career you say yes to everything,” Peter laughs. His performance also created a huge polonaise on stage.

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

As a closing song, Peter himself performed his song ‘Dans DJ Dans’. He also took the microphone one more time to thank his audience. “It was thirteen great years, which I could not do without you. I couldn’t do them without my wonderful wife who is here tonight. My mother and one of my wonderful daughters is also here. Keep dreaming. Keep playing. Stay radio. You are the best.”

Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

© Joel Hoylaerts / Photonews

Finally, DJ Frank started the afterparty, followed by the DJ duo Ilsen & Verhulst, DJ Voltage and 5napback and Because Het Kan Soundsystem.


Peter Van de Veires farewell to MNM in 8 anecdotes: “Presenting from a pot of chocolate? It was all possible” (+)

For example, Peter Van de Veire presented the morning show at MNM for the last time: “I’ll be back”

“I’m really not good at this”: Peter Van de Veire tears away when reuniting with Eva Daeleman
