In Minnertsga, 105,000 chicks are culled because of bird flu | Inland

In the Frisian town of Minnertsga, 105,000 broilers have to be killed because the company has been diagnosed with bird flu, the Ministry of Agriculture reports. Two other companies three kilometers away are being examined for the disease to determine whether it is also present there.

Ten other poultry farms located further from the broiler farm are no longer allowed to transport animals for the time being and immediately. The ban on companies ten kilometers away also applies to the transport of hatching and table eggs if there are birds on the same site.

Bird flu has been in our country for months. Since October last year, there has therefore been an obligation to keep birds at commercial poultry farmers. The government is trying to prevent the spread of the bird flu virus with the preventive culling of poultry and the introduction of a confinement obligation and a transport ban.

Minister Henk Staghouwer of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has said that the new outbreak of bird flu in the Netherlands is reason to reconsider the poultry density of the Gelderse Vallei. By far the most Dutch poultry farmers are located in this area.
