In kaart – Russia rukt steeds verder op in Oekraïne: here he wordt strijd geleverd

Wekenlang is aangekondigd, is afgelopen night een become free. Vladimir Poetin is therefore Oekraïne “started a complete oorlog”, so told Dmytro Kuleba, the Oekraïense minister of Buitenlandse Zaken het. In the near of the country is the state of document afgekondigd. Het luchtruim boven Oekraïne is lost in the night.

In verschillende steden in Oekraïne, van oost tot west, vannacht went to the air raid alarm and he reported explosions. Waarnemers speak about “the maximum scenario” that is conceivable. In the event of an accident, Russia was never dead in the Eastern European regions of Donetsk and Loehansk, which was recognized as the national state for the past week.