In Indonesia, a sports stadium that claimed more than 130 lives is being demolished

October 1 was a sad day in Indonesia, when several people died in a riot after a football match.

President of Indonesia Either Widodo said on Tuesday that the country plans to demolish the Kanjuruhan football stadium, where more than 130 football fans died at the beginning of October.

The stadium, which was opened in 2004, is to be rebuilt to meet the standards set by the International Football Association Fifa. Widodo met the president of Fifa Gianni Infantino and discussed with him the events of the first day of October.

The event that claimed the lives of victims began when supporters rushed onto the field after a football match, despite being blocked by the police. The authorities fired tear gas into the crowd, which caused panic among the masses.

People came to lay flowers on the memorial next to the stadium. PDO

Not all the gates of the stadium were open, and several people were trampled by the crowd. Among the dead were also children and police officers. Several hundred were injured.

About 42,000 tickets were sold for the football match, even though the stadium could hold a maximum of 38,000 spectators.

The gloomy day has been described as one of the biggest stadium disasters in history. Moments of silence have been held at soccer events around the world as a tribute to those who lost their lives.

President Widodo promises to promote football conditions in Indonesia. Indonesia is the host country of next year’s under-20 World Cup.
