In France, shoemakers are taking advantage of e-commerce

The new generation of shoemakers wants to prove their relevance in the fight against the throwaway society and excessively fast consumption – by putting shoe repairs in a new light and reviving them with digital solutions.

But how do the shoemakers go about it? First, they appeal to the obvious: repairing shoes as a natural, sustainable solution. But this solution is rarely used anymore: In France, consumers buy an average of six shoes a year, and every second pair is a sneaker. The shoe has become a disposable product like any other, with 300 million pairs thrown away in France every year – even though many of them could be repaired. In France, the number of shoemakers has fallen from 45,000 to 3,000 since the 1950s.

The shoemakers want to keep up with the times and exploit technical possibilities without compromising on execution and quality. This new generation of shoemakers is taking advantage of e-commerce – introducing new processes specialized in shoes, sneakers but also technical models such as climbing and safety shoes. The repair of other leather goods is also gaining in importance again.

Young start-ups and know-how from several generations

The young company Galoche & Patin positions itself as a completely digital shoemaker service – it was founded in 2020 by Sébastien Matykowski and Henri de la Porte, two entrepreneurs who appreciate beautiful shoes. With one click, the company offers a pick-up service at a location of your choice and with an appointment. After repair and care, the shoes are transported back to the owners.

The service is available throughout France: deliveries are made by bicycle or electric scooter in Paris and by UPS courier in the rest of the region. A resoling costs about 24 euros, sneaker care with a professional steam device, shoe polish and resoling about 35 euros.

The benefits of e-commerce are not only the focus of newly founded companies – a family business founded in 1945 by Jean Valverde decided to go online in 2017 and launched the website “Moncordonnier”. Behind this idea is the founder’s grandson, Sébastien Valverde, who wanted to preserve the family craft and knowledge behind it.

After studying chemical engineering, he managed to convince his sister Aurélie, his father and his uncle to join him in this project. The website includes all the services that Schumacher:innen offer – only remotely, because all repairs are carried out in the workshop in the southern French city of Aubagne.

Various shipping options are offered on the website, Moncordonnier completes all orders within a maximum of 72 hours with high quality – a combination of the craftsmanship of several generations and digital agility. Moncordonnier wants to expand this model with additional service points in cities and through new partnerships.

This translated post previously appeared on
