In Dnipro, a conscript soldier who shot a guard was arrested for two months

A court in Dnipro arrested Artemy Ryabchuk, a conscript soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine, for two months, who shot five people and wounded five more at the Yuzhmash enterprise. About it informs Portal in Telegram.

He asked the court to send him to a pre-trial detention center, and not to a guardhouse. The court granted the request and arrested Ryabchuk until March 27 without the right to bail.

“I sincerely feel sorry for all the people I hurt with my act. I am guilty and fully aware of my guilt. It’s hard for me to remember that time,” Ryabchuk said.

The commander of the National Guard resigned after the execution of the guard in the Dnieper

The incident occurred on the night of January 27, he was soon detained. He said that he was part of an “alarm group” whose members had access to weapons, and boxes of ammunition were unlocked. Ryabchuk loaded his machine gun and opened fire on the people in the guardroom. The head of the guard and his assistant were killed, then two colleagues of the shooter. “One conscript from the senior conscription managed to escape, the bastard,” he said after the arrest. Ryabchuk added that he “fired” at the girl operator, who reports on the situation at Yuzhmash to the unit. She got hurt. Ryabchuk killed a woman at a checkpoint who tried to stop him, fled outside the plant and hid in an abandoned building on the other side of the Dnieper, where he was detained.


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