In Chukotka, a school was fined for cooking casseroles with a drill – RBK

View of the “Education Center of the village of Lavrentiya”


In Chukotka, the regional prosecutor’s office fined the educational institution “Education Center of the village of Lavrentia” for cooking curd casserole for children using an electric drill, reported on the website of the department.

The reason for the check was the photos published on the social network. Prosecutors found out that the cottage cheese in the school was interfered with by “a drill with a nozzle for a construction mixer.” In addition, aluminum cookware was used during cooking. It is forbidden to heat dairy products in it because of the possible occurrence of a chemical reaction between aluminum and acids, which leads to the release of aluminum and its entry into food products.

An administrative case was opened against the school director under Part 1 of Art. 6.7 of the Administrative Code (violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of recreation and health improvement of children, their upbringing and education), in relation to the school – under Part 2 of Art. 6.7 of the Administrative Code (repeated commission of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Article 6.7 of the Administrative Code). The director was fined 3 thousand rubles, and the school – 110 thousand rubles.

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Photo: Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Bryansk region

At the school itself, the use of a drill for cooking casseroles was explained by the fact that the mixer broke. “It happened on a weekend, when our industrial mixer broke down. The worker took this drill, it is new, it was not in use “, – told TV channel “360” secretary of the school. According to him, this is an isolated case.


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