In April 1,850 more people died than expected, hefty flu epidemic plays a role

In April 1,850 more people died than expected. This is reported by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Friday. More people died than expected in April, especially among long-term care users. The late flu season and the ongoing corona pandemic are a likely explanation for the figures, according to CBS.

Statistics Netherlands says it is still waiting for cause of death statements, which are provided by municipalities. But a spokesperson points out that there are “two viruses that cause death”. People are still dying from the effects of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Since mid-March there has also been a “heavy” flu epidemic.

flu season

The flu season normally takes place in the months of December and January. The RIVM states that the season started later because of the corona measures† With the relaxation of the measures, people are coming into contact with others more, which increases the risk of respiratory infections such as the flu. The Netherlands Institute for Healthcare Research suggested Wednesday that the epidemic is declining.

Also read: Of the Dutch corona deaths, 30,000 still had a reasonable life expectancy

The month of April covered five calendar weeks, four of which involved excess mortality. In particular, people receiving long-term care, such as residents of nursing homes and institutions for the disabled, died more often — over 1,100 more than expected in April. Among 65 to 80-year-olds, fifty people died more than estimated. According to Statistics Netherlands, the excess mortality of people who do not belong to a vulnerable group is almost seven hundred.

In this light, CBS does not consider the excess mortality to be exceptional. The corona pandemic has not yet extinguished, according to CBS, people are still dying every week from the consequences of the corona virus. And although the flu season has started later this year, thousands of people die from the flu every year. The spokesperson for Statistics Netherlands states that excess mortality usually straightens out in the course of the year.
