In a year and a half probably refueling along the pumpless N34

The Drenthe part of the N34 has been devoid of gas stations for a number of years. In about a year and a half, road users will most likely be able to go to Erm again for fuel. Procedures have now been started for the gas stations on both sides of the road, the province said on request.

The two pumping stations at the De Blikken and Westerveld locations were abandoned three years ago. The doubling of the N34 made that step necessary. After the disappearance of a gas station near Zuidlaren in March 2021, there was no longer a single pump along the N34 in Drenthe.

The province announced that it wanted to work on a return of the pumping stations and therefore had a so-called market survey carried out last year, which turned out positive. The next step has now been taken this month. Market parties are now allowed to come and report for the De Blikken location. “Registration is open and will run until the end of October,” a spokesperson confirmed.

After closing the tender, the municipality will announce the award. “The chosen party will then have to apply for the necessary permits itself. Once this is the case, the pump must be operational within nine months.” Depending on the procedure times, the entire process could take another year and a half, the spokesperson estimates.

A zoning plan procedure is still underway for the Westerveld location, which is located directly opposite De Blikken on the other side of the road. “Due to the doubling of the N34, this location is shifting slightly, making this step necessary.”

An objection has now also been lodged, the spokesperson said. Nothing can be said about the time it will take to process. “We are working on the answer.”
