In 2023, the iPhone 15 could integrate a USB-C port

According to renowned analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who specializes in Apple products, the apple brand could choose USB-C for his 2023 iPhone. A technology that would improve the transfer and charging speed of the iPhone.

An iPhone with a USB-C port in 2023?

Ming-Chi Kuo has published a series of tweets in which he announces that Apple could abandon the Lightning port, which has been used for ten years on the iPhone, in favor of USB-C. So, is it time for Apple to move on? Certainly, and several reasons can explain this strategy. First, USB-C has long been recognized as a reliable and robust technology. Transfers are faster and load times shorter.

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In Kuo’s tweets, we understand that Apple could make this change as early as 2023. It’s rushed, but it’s not very surprising. Indeed, the MEPs of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection adopted on April 21, 2022, by 43 votes for and 2 against, the revision of the directive relating to radio equipment. In particular, they support the creation of a universal charger to reduce electronic waste.

A necessity to comply with European market standards

Ming-Chi Kuo’s revelations come as no surprise. Apple has always talked about USB-C for the iPhone. Rumors and speculation have been swirling for several years. The smartphone industry has embraced the USB-C standard. Apple has also made this choice for the MacBook and the latest models of the iPad. However, Apple has always seemed particularly resistant to this idea. Ideally, the Apple brand would have liked to remove the charging port from the iPhone, relying on wireless charging and data transfer, rather than equipping its devices with a USB-C port.

However, in order not to turn its back on the European market, Apple will surely have no choice but to switch iPhone to USB-C charging. Indeed, regardless of the brand, lawmakers believe that all devices should have a USB-C port. However, they make an exception for devices that are too small for this type of port, such as smartwatches and other health and sports tracking devices. The revision of this directive is integrated “as part of a wider action launched with the aim of addressing the issue of the sustainability of products placed on the Union market”.

What is certain is that the implementation of a universal charger should make it possible to promote the reuse of old electronic productssave money and reduce unnecessary costs for businesses and consumers.
