In 2023 Belgium will provide artillery batterij van Brasschaat ter beschikking van NAVO’s VJTF | Nieuws

In 2023, Belgium plans to have more than 300 soldiers and some artillery batteries from land components on the “Very High Readiness Joint Task Force” (VJTF), the spearhead of NAVO, which was soon announced. That is known as a day from the military bron.

Deze strijdmacht will be operational in 2014 and was a year later. The VJTF will be activated on February 25th for the first time, then after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The seeding – the sea after 10,000 mensen can be expected – varies from year to year.

In 2023, there will be more than 11,500 military units in Germany. The central element is the 37th Infantry Brigade of the Bundeswehr.

Volgens de NAVO zullen negen geallierde Landen bijdragen aan deze combined operationalele strijdmacht op een zeer hoog leve van paraatheid. Naast Duitsland zijn dat België, Latvia, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Noorwegen, Nederland, Tsjechië en Slovenië.

Artillery battery of Brasschaat

Belgium delivered two artillery battalions, equipped with 105 mm dry guns (127 men, for the Brasschaat artillery battalion), and a military field.

Ahead of that battery there was a “Joint Support Detachment” of 68 people, the logistic and medical special control, military politics, communication and information provided, even as movement control, a “element of national special control” of 53 military, and a detachment of 42 people They reacted to chemical, bacteriological, radioactive and nuclear causes and a team specialized in civil-military same work and psychological operations. With a vijftiental individual versterkingen vertegenwoordigt dit 311 people who can within ten days been inzeet, aldus dezelfde bron.

(Her)bekijk ook: Russian commandant: “Voor NAVO hebben we kernwapens”

Oekraïense commandant: “Russian leger vuurde 20 rockets af, waarvan 12 zijn neergehaald”

NAVO-baas: “Oekraïense aanvallen op militaire doelen in Russia zijn absolutely legitiem”
