Improve iPhone battery life with 5G trick

iPhones have supported the 5G mobile communications standard since the 12 series. However, the function has an impact on the battery life – but this can be switched off.

There are many reasons why you don’t always need 5G. In some places the standard is not yet available. Or the old mobile phone contract or tariff does not have a 5G option. In Germany in particular, 5G is already available in many places not much faster than 4G, since it runs over the same pylons. In such cases, TECHBOOK recommends the 5G trick to extend iPhone battery life.

Turn off 5G on iPhone

The 5G trick on the iPhone is very simple. iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 can automatically switch between 4G and 5G depending on network availability. However, access to 5G costs the iPhone more battery reserves. Therefore it can help to switch off the function.

1. Open the iPhoneideas.

2. Tap on the menu item cellular.

5G trick on the iPhone

3. Next go to data options.

5G trick on the iPhone

Here are two ways to increase battery life:

  1. Under Voice & Data you can hook it up 4G or LTE set – so the iPhone uses the least battery for mobile data. 5G on the other hand, uses the most battery and, according to Apple, can reduce battery life.
  2. Under data mode do you have the option to data saving mode to activate. With this, the iPhone stops automatic updates and background actions in the mobile network. That means apps no more data loading in the background – such as backups in the Photos app or WhatsApp.

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TECHBOOK recommends these settings

By default, the option 5G automatically and the data mode on default set. This choice sacrifices a bit of battery life in favor of 5G and background activity. Anyone who can do without 5G for the reasons mentioned above should therefore switch to 4G/LTE to get even more runtime. The data saving mode however, you should only switch it on in an emergency, since this significantly limits the functionality of apps.


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