Improve Internet Speed ​​on Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular consoles on the market, partly because of its flexibility. In order to be able to fully exploit this, however, a stable Internet speed is required.

Nintendo Switch users have a variety of options when playing. For one, you can switch between stationary and handheld modes. On the other hand, they can purchase and gamble games or download them from the Nintendo eShop. For the latter option, you not only need a stable internet speed when downloading, but also when playing. TECHBOOK shows how you can ensure this and improve it if necessary.

Preparations for stable internet on the Nintendo Switch

Although some improvements have been made to the OLED version, the Nintendo Switch is still not known for its good Wi-Fi reception. You can therefore take some precautions from the outset to keep the Internet connection stable.

For example, make sure that the console is not too far away from the wireless router. Users often report problems at a distance of at least five meters. However, do not place the Nintendo Switch directly next to it, as this can cause overlapping with other WiFi signals. Any sources of interference such as glass, mirrors or self-transmitting devices such as a microwave should also not be nearby.

Also make sure that you have a sufficiently powerful internet connection. Even if the Nintendo Switch does not require as much power as a PS5, for example, cloud gaming still depends on a certain transfer rate. A download speed of around 50 Mbit/s is recommended.

Also interesting: How much internet speed do I really need?

Nintendo Switch with bad WiFi connection – what to do?

If there are frequent stutters when playing because the Internet is not running smoothly, you can also use a wired router connection with the Nintendo Switch. To do this, connect a LAN adapter to the back of the Nintendo Switch dock. With this variant, however, you can only gamble in TV mode. Incidentally, this is also possible with the Lite version without a station using a USB-LAN adapter. In this case, however, it is best to use licensed accessories.

Alternatively, you can also switch to a different frequency band on your router. AVM Fritz boxes, for example, offer an analysis option in the internal user interface to determine less used frequencies. You can then change the WLAN channel via your router settings.

Also interesting: Bad WLAN? Maybe your neighbor is to blame

Otherwise, if the Internet connection is generally poor, it can help to switch off other devices connected to the Internet while playing. Pending updates on the Nintendo Switch may also slow down the Internet speed. So always keep the console updated.

