Impressive X-ray: python with tracker in body eaten by another snake | Abroad

Zoo workers made this surprising discovery when they searched for the pyhton and, thanks to the tracker, found it in the abdomen of the water moccasin snake. The python wore this tracker because researchers wanted to study its movements.

The zoo shares an impressive x-ray of the snake on Facebook. “You can see the python’s spine and transmitter in the water moccasin snake in this photo,” the zoo wrote.

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What makes the situation particularly striking is that the hoses differ only ten centimeters in length. Where the water moccasin snake is 109 centimeters long, the python is exactly one meter. A big meal!

The Burmese python is a large non-venomous species that is invasive in Florida. The water moccasin snake is a snake in the viper family and is mainly found in parts of North America.
